The present membership is Tuesday 33, Thursday 33 with 17 attending both days. total membership 43.We welcome new members Eric Boone who attends on Tuesdays and Barbara Wilson. The Easter raffle raised £54.50, we thank those who donated the prizes and those who generously bought tickets We have been informed that Beryl Durrant has had a heart attack, we hope she will be able to return to the centre soon. A reminder that on Friday 15th April at the Scout HQ there is a BOPP (Broadland Older Peoples Partnership) Open meeting at the day centre with the theme of Money Matters Advice, everyone is welcome to attend. Menu choices for the outing to The Brick Kilns on Tuesday 19th April have been distributed. On Tuesday 26th of April we will hold another Open Coffee Morning with a Cake Sale and Auction. Donations of items to sell are welcomed .
Tuesday April 5th Free Entertainment day
Thursday April 7th Christine Adams Talk of a Safari
Tuesday April 12th MANICURIST Kevin Solo Singer
Thursday April 14th CHIROPODY EXTEND
Tuesday April 19th Outing to the Brick Kilns Restaurant
Thursday April 21st Talk of Anniversaries 11am Committee meeting
Tuesday April 26th AUCTION
Thursday April 28th Emma Nuule Classic singer
Tuesday May 3rd Stacey Collins singer
Thursday May 5th EXTEND
Tuesday May 10th Mike and Village signs
Thursday May 12th Penny Doe Ensemble
Tuesday April 5th Free Entertainment day
Thursday April 7th Christine Adams Talk of a Safari
Tuesday April 12th MANICURIST Kevin Solo Singer
Thursday April 14th CHIROPODY EXTEND
Tuesday April 19th Outing to the Brick Kilns Restaurant
Thursday April 21st Talk of Anniversaries 11am Committee meeting
Tuesday April 26th AUCTION
Thursday April 28th Emma Nuule Classic singer
Tuesday May 3rd Stacey Collins singer
Thursday May 5th EXTEND
Tuesday May 10th Mike and Village signs
Thursday May 12th Penny Doe Ensemble