We welcome new members Stan Messenbird who attends on Tuesdays and Trevor Pearson and Muriel Worboys who attend on Thursdays. Unfortunately Stuart Haydon changed his mind about helping at the day centre. On Tuesday 24th July we said goodbye to Ann who has been an important member of the management team for about 12 years having held posts as secretary, treasurer and deputy co-ordinator. We are all going to miss her but wish her a happy retirement with Reg in their recently purchased flat in Norwich. Ann's retirement results in a need for another volunteer on Tuesdays, if you can help or know of anyone please let us know. Everyone is welcome to the AGM on Tuesday 25th August, if you require transport please inform a staff member.
Tuesday 4th August MANICURIST Mary Fewster on the Sounds of Norwich
Thursday 6th August Mick Leary Entertains
Tuesday 11th August EXTEND
Thursday 13th August Rachel Duffield as Queen Elizabeth 1st
Tuesday August 18th Lester Middleton Keyboard
Thursday August 20th Stephen Pope Talk on Working Horses
Tuesday August 25th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All welcome
Thursday August 27th Penny Doe Singer with backing ensemble
Tuesday September 1st Bobby Graham Soloist
Thursday September 3rd MANICURIST Entertainment Free Day
Tuesday September 8th Nostalgia Film Shows
Thursday September 10th EXTEND.
Tuesday 4th August MANICURIST Mary Fewster on the Sounds of Norwich
Thursday 6th August Mick Leary Entertains
Tuesday 11th August EXTEND
Thursday 13th August Rachel Duffield as Queen Elizabeth 1st
Tuesday August 18th Lester Middleton Keyboard
Thursday August 20th Stephen Pope Talk on Working Horses
Tuesday August 25th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All welcome
Thursday August 27th Penny Doe Singer with backing ensemble
Tuesday September 1st Bobby Graham Soloist
Thursday September 3rd MANICURIST Entertainment Free Day
Tuesday September 8th Nostalgia Film Shows
Thursday September 10th EXTEND.