We should soon receive a generous grant from a scheme known as One Stop Carriers for Causes A thank you letter has been sent to the One Stop shop in Victoria Road. An application was made in March to fund the extra minibus for the April outing . We were recently informed that a larger grant has been awarded that will allow us to greatly subsidise the next three outings . This did require new budget proposals forms to be completed . We wish a good outcome for Paul as he undergoes several weeks of hospital treatments. We will be missing Judi Timbers as she returns to part time paid employment.
Tuesday 4th July Brian Hedges A music quiz
Thursday 6th July CHIROPODY /EXTEND
Tuesday 11thJuly CHIROPODY /EXTEND
Thursday 13th July MANICURIST / Roger Dowe Committee meeting
Tuesday 18th July Morning Tea with Betsy
Thursday 20th July CHIROPODY /EXTEND
Tuesday 25th July Peter Piper Singer
Thursday 27thJuly Bobby Graham sings your favourite songs
Tuesday 1stAugust Roger Bannock A vets story
Thursday 3rd August EXTEND
Tuesday 4th July Brian Hedges A music quiz
Thursday 6th July CHIROPODY /EXTEND
Tuesday 11thJuly CHIROPODY /EXTEND
Thursday 13th July MANICURIST / Roger Dowe Committee meeting
Tuesday 18th July Morning Tea with Betsy
Thursday 20th July CHIROPODY /EXTEND
Tuesday 25th July Peter Piper Singer
Thursday 27thJuly Bobby Graham sings your favourite songs
Tuesday 1stAugust Roger Bannock A vets story
Thursday 3rd August EXTEND