We welcome Dulcie Berlie who is attending on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be a presentation to Muriel and Gillian on Tuesday 10th March to thank them for their long service to the day centre. We welcome Chris Hurst a voluntary car driver for us on Thursdays. Liz Plane is leaving her position as supervisory cook at the end of March. We are pleased that she has agreed to be a relief cook for us when required. The replacement supervisory cook is Grant Townshend. The donor of a gift of over £200 has requested that it should be used for the members. If you have any ideas on what should be purchased please tell a staff member. The Coffee Morning And Auction will be held on Tuesday 28th April donations of items to sell welcomed. Outing to Marsham Arms IS on Thursday April 16th.
Tuesday 3rd March CHIROPODIST/LIBRARY/David Morton Talk, Buckingham Palace
Thursday 5th March CHIROPODIST/LIBRARY/ Taverham History Society
Tuesday10th March Committee Meeting 11.00am 1.30pm Line Dancing demonstration
Thursday12th March EXTEND
Tuesday17th March Entertainment Free Day
Thursday19th March MANICURIST Graves Butchers
Tuesday 24th March EXTEND
Thursday 26th March West End Waiters
Tuesday 31st March LIBRARY, CHIROPODIST Rachel Duffield as Marie Lloyd
Thursday 2nd April LIBRARY, CHIROPODIST Cawston paper artists, pm Triple Melody
Tuesday 7th April Oak House Foods
Thursday 9th April EXTEND
Tuesday14th April MANICURIST Crystals Floral Design
Thursday16th April OUTING to Marsham Arms
Tuesday 3rd March CHIROPODIST/LIBRARY/David Morton Talk, Buckingham Palace
Thursday 5th March CHIROPODIST/LIBRARY/ Taverham History Society
Tuesday10th March Committee Meeting 11.00am 1.30pm Line Dancing demonstration
Thursday12th March EXTEND
Tuesday17th March Entertainment Free Day
Thursday19th March MANICURIST Graves Butchers
Tuesday 24th March EXTEND
Thursday 26th March West End Waiters
Tuesday 31st March LIBRARY, CHIROPODIST Rachel Duffield as Marie Lloyd
Thursday 2nd April LIBRARY, CHIROPODIST Cawston paper artists, pm Triple Melody
Tuesday 7th April Oak House Foods
Thursday 9th April EXTEND
Tuesday14th April MANICURIST Crystals Floral Design
Thursday16th April OUTING to Marsham Arms