We welcome new members Adrian Hawkes, Graham Drake and Terry Langham who are attending on Tuesdays. We thank the family and friends of June Seamons for the generous donation, in memory of her. A number of staff members have recently attended Dementia Awareness courses On the 7th of March 8 staff members will have First Aid at Work training at the day centre. On Friday 15th April at the there is a BOPP ( Broadland Older Peoples Partnership) Open meeting at the day centre with the theme of Money Matters Advice, everyone is welcome to attend. The first outing of the year will be to The Brick Kilns on Tuesday 19th April. On Tuesday 26th of April we will hold another Open Coffee Morning with a Cake Sale and Auction. Donations of items to sell are welcomed.
Tuesday March 1st Drayton Mini market
Thursday March 3rd CHIROPODY Mandy Jackson Fuchsias
Tuesday March 8th CHIROPODY Lyndy Howell Keyboard 11am Committee Meeting
Thursday March 10th Frances & Michael Holmes Norwich Historians
Tuesday March 15th Linda Scoles Entertainer
Tuesday March 22nd CHIROPODY Free Entertainment Day .
Thursday March 24th Peter Piper Entertainer
Tuesday March 29th EXTEND
Thursday March 31st Peter Goodrum Norwich Nostalgia
Tuesday April 5th Roger Dowe Singer and Guitar
Thursday April 7th Christine Adams on Safari.
Tuesday March 1st Drayton Mini market
Thursday March 3rd CHIROPODY Mandy Jackson Fuchsias
Tuesday March 8th CHIROPODY Lyndy Howell Keyboard 11am Committee Meeting
Thursday March 10th Frances & Michael Holmes Norwich Historians
Tuesday March 15th Linda Scoles Entertainer
Tuesday March 22nd CHIROPODY Free Entertainment Day .
Thursday March 24th Peter Piper Entertainer
Tuesday March 29th EXTEND
Thursday March 31st Peter Goodrum Norwich Nostalgia
Tuesday April 5th Roger Dowe Singer and Guitar
Thursday April 7th Christine Adams on Safari.