It is with sadness we note the deaths of Ralph Simpson and former member Irene Hatcher. We welcome back Victor and Emily . The present membership is 38, 24 attending on Tuesdays, 30 attending on Thursdays, total 54 attendees .
As a result of the recent Health and Safety report the Scouts have increased the width of the path from the side fire doors. The Scouts are also going to appoint a cleaner rather than a contract company that they have been using. Booking forms for the outing to Pensthorpe on the 26th June , for both day groups, will be made available. A reminder that the day centre will be closed on Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st July
As a result of the recent Health and Safety report the Scouts have increased the width of the path from the side fire doors. The Scouts are also going to appoint a cleaner rather than a contract company that they have been using. Booking forms for the outing to Pensthorpe on the 26th June , for both day groups, will be made available. A reminder that the day centre will be closed on Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st July
Tuesday 3rd June Library/ Free Entertainment Day
Thursday 5th June Library/ Manicurist / Extend
Tuesday 10th June Timescape Memories & songs from World War 1
Thursday 12th June Graves butcher , sale of meat
Tuesday 17th June Extend
Thursday 19th June Magic show with Jim
Tuesday 24th June Janet Clark Gambian Aid through education
Thursday 26th June Outing to Pensthorpe Tuesday 1st July Library/ David Berwick Talk Nuggets of History
Thursday 3rd July Library/Extend
Tuesday 8th July General interest DVD
Thursday 10th July Marsham Bell ringers
Tuesday 3rd June Library/ Free Entertainment Day
Thursday 5th June Library/ Manicurist / Extend
Tuesday 10th June Timescape Memories & songs from World War 1
Thursday 12th June Graves butcher , sale of meat
Tuesday 17th June Extend
Thursday 19th June Magic show with Jim
Tuesday 24th June Janet Clark Gambian Aid through education
Thursday 26th June Outing to Pensthorpe Tuesday 1st July Library/ David Berwick Talk Nuggets of History
Thursday 3rd July Library/Extend
Tuesday 8th July General interest DVD
Thursday 10th July Marsham Bell ringers