We welcome new members, Rita Dye and Norman Dowe , Tom and Narykaa Blevins and Jill Hicks. It is with sadness I note the recent death of Duncan Macdonald. Some staff members attended his funeral on the 21st September. I have been informed that the Norfolk Deaf Association mobile clinic will be at the Village hall carpark from 1pm to 2.45pm on Wednesday 10th October. They will service NHS hearing aids and supply batteries. On Tuesday 13th November there will be an open coffee morning with a cake sale and craft stalls. Everyone is welcome, encourage your friends and neighbours to come and see what the day centre has to offer.
Tuesday 2nd October EXTEND
Thursday 4th October CHIROPODY Graves Butchers
Tuesday 9th October CHIROPODY A Royal Century DVD. The Queen Mother
Thursday11th October EXTEND
Tuesday 16th October East Anglian Air Ambulance
Thursday 18th October CHIROPODY Reminiscence 11am Committee meeting
Tuesday 23rd October Pets as Therapy Carole Adam
Thursday 25th October EXTEND
Tuesday 30th October Kevin Solo Sings
Thursday 1st November Bobby Graham Sings
Tuesday 6th November EXTEND
Tuesday 2nd October EXTEND
Thursday 4th October CHIROPODY Graves Butchers
Tuesday 9th October CHIROPODY A Royal Century DVD. The Queen Mother
Thursday11th October EXTEND
Tuesday 16th October East Anglian Air Ambulance
Thursday 18th October CHIROPODY Reminiscence 11am Committee meeting
Tuesday 23rd October Pets as Therapy Carole Adam
Thursday 25th October EXTEND
Tuesday 30th October Kevin Solo Sings
Thursday 1st November Bobby Graham Sings
Tuesday 6th November EXTEND