Home fire safety advice
Protect yourself and reduce the risk of fire by:
When you make your fire action plan:
To save your life in a fire:
- Not leaving cooking unattended
- Keeping doors closed at night
- Switching off as many electrical appliances as possible at night
- Putting out cigarettes and candles safely and keeping matches and lighters away from children
When you make your fire action plan:
- Always include children and elderly and disabled people
- Chose the best escape route and another way out and keep them clear
- Tell everyone where the door and window keys are
- Fitting smoke alarms on each floor level and testing the each week
To save your life in a fire:
- If your smoke alarm goes off in the night, don’t investigate - wake others and get out, following your plan
- Don’t open any doors that feel warm
- Don’t stop or go back for anything - phone the Fire Service on 999
- if you can’t get out, stay together in one room, close the door and wait to be rescued